Throughout our lives we tend to create a conditioned self that slowly but surely disconnects us from who we authentically are, particularly due to negative and/or painful experiences or learned behaviors.

 We start to cope and show up in the world with a modified behavior other than our essence in order to receive love, attention, protection, or to be valued, just to name a few triggers.

Overtime, these patterns become our unconscious daily habits (a.k.a our habit self) of internal self-betrayal, disconnecting us more and more from our authentic self.

Physical: In order to reconnect with our true needs on a physical level we need to refocus our attention to what our body is trying to tell us, interpret the signs and modify our lifestyle accordingly.

Habit Self
– Conditioned lifestyle and behaviors.

 – How you care for your physical body: eating, sleeping and movement habits.

Authentic Self
– Connect to your intuition through your inner guidance system.
 – Awareness and exploration of new lifestyle choices.

Emotional:  I encourage you to evaluate if your “beliefs inventory” is aligned with your behaviors. It is a slow process to come to a state of calm where you can pin-point the source of a negative feeling, and often these feelings are the key to unlock the backdoor to our conditioned thoughts and behaviors and free us from them.

Habit Self
– Conditioned thoughts and beliefs often inherited from childhood.
– Cycle of habitual feelings and reactions.
– Habitual coping mechanisms.

Authentic Self
– Objective observer of thoughts and beliefs.

– Awareness and execution of new possibilities and life choices.
– Freedom from habitual feelings

– Flexibility with coping mechanisms.

Spiritual:  Let’s refocus your attention in your inner world. Explore your interests, hobbies, etc. Discover which ones do not serve your purpose of BEING fulfilled and have your soul ignited. A vital part of getting back to our authentic self is honoring the experiences that spark love, calm and joy in us.

Habit Self
– Conditioned interests, often externally rewarded.
– Practiced beliefs that no longer serve you such as religion, traditions, etc.
Authentic Self
– Inner passions, longing, desires, etc.
– New beliefs and practices that serve your chosen passions, interests and overall well being.

To commit to do transformational work means to move towards something that at first seems new, and can make us feel uneasy or scared, but once you begin to break out of your habit self and begin to show up more authentically in your own world you will begin to THRIVE. Try it!

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